PX4Flow parameters

Hi everyone,

I’m using a Pixhawk with firmware version 1.5.5 on a quadcopter (DJI F450 flamewheel) and I’m trying to install the PX4Flow sensor.

Is there a step for calibrating the sensor, such as when setting up PX4FLow with APM?

If yes, which log parameters would be best to compare and change?

Also, when checking the parameter list for optical flow related parameters, I noticed that most, if not all of them have been renamed in the firmware. Have LPE and INAV been put together in the EKF?

Thanks and cheers,


I’ve received feedback that the recommended firmware is 1.6 (https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/releases - px4fmu-v2_lpe.px4) but I did not get mine to work. Also the sonar is very noisy. I replaced it with a Lidar Lite.