I’m new PX4 user of Taiwan, and try to make porting for OmnibusF4v3 base on OmnibusF4SD’s code last few months. It is seem work, even it’s not perfect. But, I hope share it to you.
If you have any problem, let me know please. I’ll try to solve these troubles, under my bad english.
Please reference to following issues:
RC-in support PPM only.
serial ports
TEL1 : /dev/ttyS0 → UART1 of STM32F4
RC_PORT : /dev/ttyS1 (No show in QGC and H/W.)
TEL2 : /edv/ttyS2 → USART4 of STM32F4
URT6 : /dev/ttyS3 → UASRT6 of STM32F4 (Needs inverter of H/W, if you want to use it. )
Hey, I’ve Omnibus F4v3 (non Pro) with F4SD PX4 firmware and it works when tested on the ground.
What are the differences in your firmware?
The only thing missing for me is PWM 5 & 6.