PX4 Community Q&A: April 05, 2023

PX4 v1.13.2
Cube orange/ nvidea jetson xavier companion computer
Homebuild quadcopter 16" props, 4.9Kg

Hi all,
I’ve had a crash with my drone whilst flying in position mode with RC (without using the companion computer). I tried to switch back to manual but unfortunately could not save the drone anymore. Whilst analyzing the log files, I can’t directly find what might have caused the crash. I do see at the point where it went wrong a sudden jump in the roll and pitch set points, shortly after followed by one of the motors going to max thrust. The velocity controller seems to give some oscillations with a rather low damping. If there is anyone who might be able to shed some light on what might have gone wrong, it would be highly appreciated.

log: https://logs.px4.io/plot_app?log=62d094c4-0e64-43c1-bb9d-1c6f23de4eba
files: Homebuild quadcopter crash in position mode · Issue #21416 · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub