Px4 avoidance using llivox mid 360

Hi PX4 Developers. I am trying to make px4 a drone equipt with Livox mid 360 with companion computer Orange pi 5 pluse or Jetson orin nano. I want to implement SLAM, Obstacle avoidance and Navigation. I start working with px4 avoidance also i am looking into PX4 ROS 2 Interface Library. Initially i will go with Simulation in Gazebo or isaac sim for Prove of concept them implement on real hardware. With px4 avoidance it work with Depth camera to extract point cloud then apply with its Local and Global planner how can i modify it to directly work point cloud from Livox mid 360 I install livox_ros_driver2 to get pointcloud publish on ros2 topic. on otherside how can I implement Avoidance algo using PX4 ROS 2 Interface Library.