Pixhawk 4 vs Hex cube Orange on Auterion


I would like to know if Hex Cube Orange works fine with software developed on Auterion. I know the pixhawk 4 is compatible with auterion, but it has a worse CPU than Hex cube orange. The goal of the project is to make an octopter and before buying the “real” flight controller, we would like to make research and development on a more affordable controller. This question is made taking into account the hex cube orange is in experimental stage and is only supported by the community. Help is very appreciated.

Thank you

Is anyone getting any answers on this forum or Is there a more active forum regarding px4?


After some research I noticed the auterion is not a platform to develop the software for the flight controller. Anyway, does the Hex cube Orange work “well” with the px4 firmware/software? I mean, since the controller is community supported and not px4 team supported, I was wondering the problems that it can cause.

Thank you