PilotPi: Raspberry Pi HITL does not start ekf2

  1. First, I followed the instructions in “https://discuss.px4.io/t/hitl-for-pilot-pi/25776” to change sensors start -hil to sensors start -h, and commander start -hil to commander start -h;
  2. I used the raspberryPi with . /px4 -s px4_hil.config to start the flight control;
  3. I found the flight control stuck at ekf2 start not starting.
    What causes this and how can I start HITL on RaspberryPi?

I also have the same problem. lunching this command
. /px4 -s px4_hil.config
It gets stuck. Has anyone else faces this issue?
Here are the Images associated to this problem…