Occurring during px4 autotune. May I know why it crashed


It’s a quadcopter, and the battery uses two 10000mha 30c 6cells, and it’s a 50 volt system. It uses a 28 inch prop, and it uses a T-motor product with a 110kv specification.
If you look at the log, I ran autotune in position mode, but the plane crashed as it tilted. I also did escelibrate through qgc, and there was no error message.

Please check the log and find the problem together

Hi, it looks like your drone has rate/attitude gains too high causing oscillation.

Did you try to tightly follow the instructions? Especially “Test that your vehicle is [stable enough for autotuning]”


The instructions above tune the vehicle in Altitude mode. You can instead takeoff in Takeoff mode and tune in Position mode if the vehicle is is known to be stable in these modes.