No global position in ekf2

Hello i have a problem with the 1.15.2 firmware on pixhawk v6x , the ekf2 don’t use gps so i don’t have a global position !

I have tried with one gps , 2 gps, same think.

I have a here 4 on can bus 1 and M8N on gps1.

Here is the result of some command in console :

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-11.0.0
nsh> ekf2 status
INFO  [ekf2] available instances: 3
INFO  [ekf2] 0: ACC: 6946842, GYRO: 6684698, MAG: 396809, healthy, test ratio: 1.0000000 (0.00000) 
INFO  [ekf2] 1: ACC: 2490386, GYRO: 2490386, MAG: 396809, healthy, test ratio: 1.0000000 (0.00000) *
INFO  [ekf2] 2: ACC: 2752522, GYRO: 2752522, MAG: 396809, healthy, test ratio: 1.0000000 (0.00000) 

ekf2:0 EKF dt: 0.0100s, attitude: 1, local position: 0, global position: 0
ekf2: EKF update: 6981 events, 1808282us elapsed, 259.03us avg, min 201us max 596us 50.927us rms
ekf2: IMU message missed: 0 events

ekf2:1 EKF dt: 0.0101s, attitude: 1, local position: 0, global position: 0
ekf2: EKF update: 6904 events, 1791771us elapsed, 259.53us avg, min 200us max 837us 68.865us rms
ekf2: IMU message missed: 0 events

ekf2:2 EKF dt: 0.0099s, attitude: 1, local position: 0, global position: 0
ekf2: EKF update: 6994 events, 1988591us elapsed, 284.33us avg, min 200us max 1288us 127.042us rms
ekf2: IMU message missed: 1 events
nsh> listener sensor_gps

TOPIC: sensor_gps 2 instances

Instance 0:
    timestamp: 105238102 (0.079913 seconds ago)
    timestamp_sample: 0
    latitude_deg: 43.564853
    longitude_deg: 1.474165
    altitude_msl_m: 148.230000
    altitude_ellipsoid_m: 148.230000
    time_utc_usec: 1738750129800000
    device_id: 8748035 (Type: 0x85, UAVCAN:0 (0x7C))
    s_variance_m_s: 0.02789
    c_variance_rad: 113.84926
    eph: 1.30616
    epv: 1.44089
    hdop: 0.62988
    vdop: 0.97021
    noise_per_ms: -1
    jamming_indicator: -1
    vel_m_s: 0.01615
    vel_n_m_s: -0.01400
    vel_e_m_s: -0.00700
    vel_d_m_s: 0.00400
    cog_rad: -2.67795
    timestamp_time_relative: 0
    heading: nan
    heading_offset: nan
    heading_accuracy: nan
    rtcm_injection_rate: 0.00000
    automatic_gain_control: 0
    fix_type: 3
    jamming_state: 0
    spoofing_state: 0
    vel_ned_valid: True
    satellites_used: 26
    selected_rtcm_instance: 0
    rtcm_crc_failed: False
    rtcm_msg_used: 0

Instance 1:
    timestamp: 105297323 (0.063745 seconds ago)
    timestamp_sample: 0
    latitude_deg: 43.564671
    longitude_deg: 1.473730
    altitude_msl_m: 173.331000
    altitude_ellipsoid_m: 221.875000
    time_utc_usec: 1738750129799614
    device_id: 11010053 (Type: 0xA8, SERIAL:0 (0x00))
    s_variance_m_s: 0.62000
    c_variance_rad: 0.72426
    eph: 2.28800
    epv: 3.31700
    hdop: 0.97000
    vdop: 1.81000
    noise_per_ms: 98
    jamming_indicator: 20
    vel_m_s: 0.01900
    vel_n_m_s: -0.01800
    vel_e_m_s: -0.00500
    vel_d_m_s: -0.05200
    cog_rad: 1.22292
    timestamp_time_relative: 0
    heading: nan
    heading_offset: 0.00000
    heading_accuracy: 0.00000
    rtcm_injection_rate: 0.00000
    automatic_gain_control: 936
    fix_type: 4
    jamming_state: 0
    spoofing_state: 1
    vel_ned_valid: True
    satellites_used: 10
    selected_rtcm_instance: 0
    rtcm_crc_failed: False
    rtcm_msg_used: 0

nsh> listener vehicle_local_position

TOPIC: vehicle_local_position
    timestamp: 308811836 (0.005206 seconds ago)
    timestamp_sample: 308811156 (680 us before timestamp)
    ref_timestamp: 18346367
    ref_lat: 43.564697
    ref_lon: 1.473864
    x: -0.06257
    y: -0.05199
    z: 25.43194
    delta_xy: [0.00000, 0.00000]
    delta_z: 0.00001
    vx: -0.00822
    vy: -0.00588
    vz: 0.13784
    z_deriv: 0.31308
    delta_vxy: [-0.00427, 0.00126]
    delta_vz: 0.00051
    ax: -0.00383
    ay: -0.01078
    az: -0.00159
    heading: 0.56325
    heading_var: 0.02261
    unaided_heading: -0.02560
    delta_heading: 0.00000
    tilt_var: 0.00012
    ref_alt: 169.89804
    dist_bottom: 0.05746
    eph: 0.94110
    epv: 0.22027
    evh: 0.34827
    evv: 0.07450
    vxy_max: inf
    vz_max: inf
    hagl_min: inf
    hagl_max: inf
    xy_valid: False
    z_valid: True
    v_xy_valid: False
    v_z_valid: True
    xy_reset_counter: 62
    z_reset_counter: 2
    vxy_reset_counter: 62
    vz_reset_counter: 1
    heading_reset_counter: 0
    heading_good_for_control: False
    xy_global: True
    z_global: True
    dist_bottom_valid: True
    dist_bottom_sensor_bitfield: 0
    dead_reckoning: True


in local position there is dead recknoking, and global and local are 0 in ekf status…

Also i don’t know if is a probleme but my gps status show only the serial gps on gps port 1 :