Multiple configurations for submodules

Why does PX4 have multiple configurations for submodules? Does it matter?

Git is warning about submodules having multiple configs in the PX4 repo. I’m not sure if there is a real problem, but I know I had a hard time synchronizing my fork with the beta and stable branches. git submodule update --init --recursive picked the wrong refs. I had to carefully checkout the correct revision of most of the submodules. The master and release/1.11 branches merged seamlessly. I can give more details if there is interest.

dan@ubuntu:~/projects/px4-community$ git fetch
remote: Enumerating objects: 2124, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (2124/2124), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (69/69), done.
remote: Total 3184 (delta 2083), reused 2078 (delta 2055), pack-reused 1060
Receiving objects: 100% (3184/3184), 585.21 KiB | 5.47 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2414/2414), completed with 658 local objects.
   47364ce8d6..ab0f761e9f  master                                 -> origin/master
 * [new branch]            add_missing_mag_rotations              -> origin/add_missing_mag_rotations
 * [new branch]            ark-flow                               -> origin/ark-flow
 + d5b9b747fe...f3c169564f link-loss-delay                        -> origin/link-loss-delay  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            mag-cal-refactor                       -> origin/mag-cal-refactor
 + 2abbe47458...e1d9e07215 nuttx_master                           -> origin/nuttx_master  (forced update)
 + 74bad90adc...b29c3cc878 pr-GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN                   -> origin/pr-GPS_GLOBAL_ORIGIN  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-adis16470                           -> origin/pr-adis16470
 + 98e527aadf...219ec8e26b pr-bat_param_cleanup                   -> origin/pr-bat_param_cleanup  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-battery_actuator_cleanup            -> origin/pr-battery_actuator_cleanup
 * [new branch]            pr-cmsis_cleanup                       -> origin/pr-cmsis_cleanup
 * [new branch]            pr-commander_auto_posctl               -> origin/pr-commander_auto_posctl
 + 08769571b0...3e844b89e1 pr-commander_auto_takeoff_transition   -> origin/pr-commander_auto_takeoff_transition  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-control_allocation_fw               -> origin/pr-control_allocation_fw
 * [new branch]            pr-ekf2_drop_check                     -> origin/pr-ekf2_drop_check
 * [new branch]            pr-fw-loiter-fixes-master              -> origin/pr-fw-loiter-fixes-master
 * [new branch]            pr-fw_pos_control_l1_roll_slew_overall -> origin/pr-fw_pos_control_l1_roll_slew_overall
 + b91c51b0e5...03811ff679 pr-github_actions_timeout              -> origin/pr-github_actions_timeout  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-joystick-init-and-cleanup           -> origin/pr-joystick-init-and-cleanup
 + e4272256a1...b481fc007c pr-mavlink_estimate_drop_rate          -> origin/pr-mavlink_estimate_drop_rate  (forced update)
 + 4dc69b56b1...38634cf94a pr-mavlink_instances                   -> origin/pr-mavlink_instances  (forced update)
 + dcd3175dd8...7e70b6b837 pr-mavlink_link_node_status            -> origin/pr-mavlink_link_node_status  (forced update)
 + 70a3de8492...c816ce495a pr-mavlink_usb_start                   -> origin/pr-mavlink_usb_start  (forced update)
 + eecee4775a...e422244ac4 pr-mpc_controllib                      -> origin/pr-mpc_controllib  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-navigator-loiter-acceptance-master  -> origin/pr-navigator-loiter-acceptance-master
 * [new branch]            pr-param_get_default                   -> origin/pr-param_get_default
 * [new branch]            pr-pwm14_and_cleanup                   -> origin/pr-pwm14_and_cleanup
 + eebb4ce7c2...72df5f332b pr-px4_log_build_string                -> origin/pr-px4_log_build_string  (forced update)
 + a7eda07ae7...0420ebd89c pr-px4io_mixer_module                  -> origin/pr-px4io_mixer_module  (forced update)
 + 5a584d39b6...164132fc63 pr-rover-ratesp                        -> origin/pr-rover-ratesp  (forced update)
 + 560969671d...925be66f4f pr-sensors_airspeed                    -> origin/pr-sensors_airspeed  (forced update)
 + ae231f909a...3fff512ec0 pr-system_power_module                 -> origin/pr-system_power_module  (forced update)
 * [new branch]            pr-uavcan-binfiles                     -> origin/pr-uavcan-binfiles
   024ea7bfaf..235231f810  pr-uavcan-v1_bms_minimal               -> origin/pr-uavcan-v1_bms_minimal
 * [new branch]            pr-update_Tools/sitl_gazebo            -> origin/pr-update_Tools/sitl_gazebo
 * [new branch]            pr-vtol-rtl-land-delay                 -> origin/pr-vtol-rtl-land-delay
 * [new branch]            pr/16292                               -> origin/pr/16292
 * [new branch]            publish-takeoff-status                 -> origin/publish-takeoff-status
   a6274bc5ed..21c82a4814  release/1.11                           -> origin/release/1.11
 * [new branch]            temperature_sensor_fix                 -> origin/temperature_sensor_fix
warning: e450c5a9d93b805251d7de51bd55221fda6f157f:.gitmodules, multiple configurations found for 'submodule.mavlink/include/mavlink/v2.0.path'. Skipping second one!
warning: e450c5a9d93b805251d7de51bd55221fda6f157f:.gitmodules, multiple configurations found for 'submodule.mavlink/include/mavlink/v2.0.url'. Skipping second one!