Modeling cascade PID in simulink


I am modeling the flight controller diagram in simulink and I want to know what is the output of the cascade p-pid loops for attitude and altitude in common flight controllers like pixhawk. Is it moment and force? Or throttle percentage or pwm or anything else?

Because I have considered moments and forces as outputs of my diagrams and as long as my multirotor is heavy and large (with a high mass and moments of inertia) my pid gains in the inner loop has become very high (about 200 - 300).

I want to know what I should consider for the output of my diagrams so that I can use the pid gains which are tuned in simulink, for the real multirotor and pixhawk.


As per PX4 or ardupilot code the output of PID is throttle. thus you need an additional block for control allocation and one more block after that for throttle to rpm conversion. Those rpm you can be used to calculate force and moment for your aircraft dynamics block.