Hi Everyone,
I have a quadcopter i did many test flights on it. When we are flying in loiter mode it is unstable we did all calibration. when drone in 7m altitude drone was like slightly move roll left & right continuously & oscillations also little bit more we tried many times. how can i debug the problem?
Here the log file
Flight Review upload your log in this link, so others can help you out easily.
Sir I can’t upload the log file.
Here is link,
It’s odd. I tried to upload your log file to upload. And the upload was failed.
Regarding your log file: How did you retrieve this log file, usually the log files will end with .ulg format.
Regarding your drone: How the drone flew in stabilized and altitude hold mode?
Sorry sir for log file issue.
when drone in Alt hold mode drone was going somewhere until i took control,
in loiter mode drone was slight moves roll left & right.
here is the log file: 2024-12-17 18-52-04.bin - Google Drive
I think you are using ardupilot, not PX4, both log files you shared completely works fine in UAV Log Viewer (ardupilot log analysing solution). You can get more support in ArduPilot Discourse. Here you can’t get much support regarding ardupilot.
Thanks for your suggestion