Integration of IC Engine with QGC and PX4

Hey guys, I want to know about integrating the IC Engine with PX4, and how to setup the Throttle stick with Engine and how to setup in QGC as of now and did anyone try Automation using IC Engine in PX4 and QGC

Hi, did you end up working with IC engine?
I need some suggestion.

Should i assign the servo that controls the throttle as motor 1 to PWM main 1? or something else?

Yes I did. So the Throttle servo goes to the PWM whichever is mentioned as throttle in PX4. Mostly it will be PWM 1 or PWM 3. Or you can even configure it however you want in your GCS

Did you use PWM_MAIN_FUNCTION1 as motor 1 or something else?
my throttle control servo is connected to PWM_main_1

Any specific advise for tuning or generally with THR_IDLE, THR_MAX, THR_MIN?