Integrating Anemometer Sensor into Pixhawk

Hey guys,

I’m trying to integrate a custom sensor into my COTS bird.

How can I get started? Thanks!

Ok, and what data do you need from the sensor? How are you planning to use it?

I just want to power the sensor and have it log values, preferably on the same SD card as the flight logs so that the sensor data could correspond to the flight data. Does that make sense?

If you only power the sensor it will log to its own SD card. If you want to log the data alongside flight data, then you need to write a driver in PX4 which reads from the sensor and then publishes it to a uORB topic which can be logged.

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How does adding the driver part work? To my understanding the bird is using a PX4 firmware that’s customized by the manufacturer. I reached out to them to see if they could either bake the driver into a new firmware or provide the unbaked firmware files but they are not able to support. Is there any other way to do this?

If it comes from a manufacturer, then either the manufacturer needs to write and add that driver or provide you with the source and instructions on how to build and flash firmware for the drone. You could then do the coding yourself (or pay someone) and flash it.

Thank you. I think at this point I will just make a stand-alone data logger for the sensor and marry the data later using GPS time.

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