I made a custom hexacopter design and want to simulate in gazebo, but unable to integerate it with px4, can anyone tell me steps i have to follow for integerating it with gazebo simulation?
January 31, 2023, 2:47am
Hi @danividanivi , I have successfully created a custom model for SITL.
The steps I took for creating a custom Gazebo model and PX4 SITL airframe with the adjusted gains:
Create a folder under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models for your model, let’s call it my_vehicle
Create the following files under Tools/sitl_gazebo/models/my_vehicle: model.config and my_vehicle.sdf (these can be based off the iris or solo models in Tools/sitl_gazebo/models)
Create a world file in Tools/sitl_gazebo/worlds called my_v…
this one, I have created several different quadrotors in the sitl already.