I test my vtol quad plane on a desk, propellers removed, I start at MC Altitude mode, the MC motors work as i expect, and then i switch to FW Altitude mode, but the push motor and Aileron keep still even I move the remote controller stick all around, only vtail elevator response to the RC.
I switch to FW stabilize mode, the push motor and aileron work, is this show that forward transiton can only be done at manual mode?
@Gorgious So in stabilized (aka manual) mode everything works as expected?
I think altitude control mode can’t be really checked still on the ground (while the system detects it as landed). You can try to move it around during your ground testing, to trick the land detector.
Apart from that, I would say first fly in stabilized mode, and if this works I see little reason why altitude/position controlled mode shouldn’t work (and if it doesn’t then you can easily switch back to stabilized).
@sfuhrer I made a test that confirm your saying where I put the drone (in altitude mode) in a car and drive around and I, indeed, have control on the elevons. Thank you for your help.
hello guys, I think I have a problem similar to the one reported in this topic … but it concerns the pitch actuator:
if I’m in Altitude or Position mode, when I switch to FW and transition begin (and even when it’s fully up, I also tried in flight) the pitch control on the elevator servos doesn’t work, only the aileron servos work during transition and after.
If I am in manual / stabilazed or acro instead, everything works always.
it seems that the altitude and position mode is not liked when switching to FW mode. When I’m in MC mode everything works perfectly.
…is this a bug or a feature?
I’m using a CUAV V5nano with 1.12.3 firmware, baby shark frame (on cuav V5 i have only MAIN out, no AUX)