How to configure UXRCE-DDS Client with USB Connection?

Should be a basic question. What is the proper parameter setup if I want to enable the UXRCE-DDS client over serial, where my setup is my main computer that has a pixhawk 6c mini connected over USB-C (showing up as /dev/ttyACM0) that also has the agent running on it as well. The documentation does not make this clear. Is this a supported setup? Do I need to connect the Telem port or something instead of USB? Thank you in advance.

I did spent quite some time looking into this topic myself. There is an issue reported that accessing dds client with usb-c is not possible at the moment.

You can try modify the following section and add a new function
bool CdcAcmAutostart::start_dds_client() but you may lose access to mavlink and qGC.

Alternatively, you can get a USB to serial cable such as a C232HM FTDI and set the dds config to TELEM1,2.