Holybro Pixhawk Debug Adapter


I am attempting to use the Holybro Debug Board, but feel like I am missing something. I have it hooked up to the Pixhawk 4 like the example shows here:

I connect to Ubuntu and have tried to load up using this tutorial: https://docs.px4.io/main/en/debug/swd_gdb.html#using-dronecode-probe-blackmagic-probe

and loading using JLinkGDBServer -if swd, but I am getting an error.

I have also tried to debug with vscode.

What I am looking for is just some guidance on which way I should go with this board. What software took I should use so I can debug using GDB. Just want to make sure I am going down a path someone has already traveled before.

Thank you

Jlink gives me thig:

per @dirksavage88

ā€œI was not able to get swd pass through to work. I was using a jlink mini edu and used the holybro as an adapter (basically using it for the pixhawk 6 pin debug port )ā€

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