Using JLink debug on vscode gives error

Cortex-Debug: VSCode debugger extension version 1.12.1 git(652d042). Usage info: GitHub - Marus/cortex-debug: Visual Studio Code extension for enhancing debug capabilities for Cortex-M Microcontrollers
Reading symbols from /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-objdump --syms -C -h -w /home/ender/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_fmu-v6x_default/px4_fmu-v6x_default.elf
Reading symbols from /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-nm --defined-only -S -l -C -p /home/ender/PX4-Autopilot/build/px4_fmu-v6x_default/px4_fmu-v6x_default.elf
Launching GDB: /opt/gcc-arm-none-eabi-9-2020-q2-update/bin/arm-none-eabi-gdb -q --interpreter=mi2
IMPORTANT: Set “showDevDebugOutput”: “raw” in “launch.json” to see verbose GDB transactions here. Very helpful to debug issues or report problems
Launching gdb-server: JLinkGDBServer -singlerun -nogui -if swd -port 50000 -swoport 50001 -telnetport 50002 -device STM32H753II -rtos /home/ender/PX4-Autopilot/platforms/nuttx/NuttX/nuttx/tools/
Please check TERMINAL tab (gdb-server) for output from JLinkGDBServer
ERROR: GDB major version should be >= 9, yours is 8
GDB session ended. exit-code: 0
Finished reading symbols from objdump: Time: 92 ms
GDB could not start as expected. Bad installation or version mismatch. See if you can start gdb from a shell prompt and check its version (Must be >= 9)

I could debug using the shell, but just can’t do it on the vscode.
Could someone help me ?
My PX4 version is V1.14.3