Hexacopter with HOLYBRO PIXHAWK 6C flight controller

Hello everyone. Need help on the following issue. The hexacopter was built on the basis of the Pixhawk 6C flight controller from HolyBro. When configuring the configuration in QGroundControl, not all engines work. To begin with, I used a ready-made hexacopter configuration - Generic Hexarotor x geometry. When using this configuration, only two engines work: one of them turns at full power, the other barely, barely. When setting up your own configuration, not a single engine works, automatic calibration of the ESC does not help. Can you tell me what the problem is and how to solve it?

Which PX4 version are you using?

Hello. I am using version 1.13.3

Hi everybody. Do you have any ideas on the problem?

I would try v1.14.0.

Just because the actuators have changed there and you might have more success.

Hello. Thanks for the advice. I will try this method. As the result will be, I will write here.