I am running a custom offboard node with px4 uXRCE-DDS middleware and gazebo simulation via this tutorial on the wiki page: ROS 2 User Guide | PX4 Guide (main).
According to the list of px4_msgs and their meanings, the VehicleLocalPosition message is my best bet for observing the fused local position of the drone. However, when I try to subscribe to it in my node it shuts down the sim and prompts the error:
‘ERROR [simulator_mavlink] poll timeout 0, 22’.
When I try to echo the topic, I also get this error:
‘[SUBSCRIBER Error] Deserialization of data failed → Function deserialize_change’.
Obviously something’s messed up with the message type. However, I’ve verified that the header is there and rebuilt the px4_msgs package. Install/setup.bash is properly sourced in all terminals I’m working in, and I can also echo most other topics, like vehicle_odometry perfectly fine. What gives?