Flying vehicle with low thrust to weight ratio

Hi everybody,

I am dealing with a quadcopter that has a thrust to weight ratio of approximately 1.3-1.6. When we fly in manual mode the behaviour we see is that the quad lifts off the ground initially but cannot really sustain itself in flight and starts to descend again.

The flight logs are here:

Are there any parameters I can change to allow the vehicle with low thrust to weight to fly normally ?

Best regards,

Hi there,
Checking the log ;
Your vibration is high, check the link Vibration Isolation | PX4 Guide (main)

Motor 1 and 3 is saturated, motor 2 and 4 at lower throttle levels, check if drone’s center of gravity is on the drone’s center.

These might help you get a stable flight at certain external conditions
best luck

In ideal condition, you drone should start hovering at 50-60% throttle, so you have room for other maneuvers.

If motor prop, can’t provide such thrust, nothing can be done with code. change the motor prop combination, change to 12S battery or check for other alternatives.