Failing to make the camera work in px4_sitl / typhoon_h480


I am trying to make the camera work in PHOTO mode and I am always getting a timeout - I just started using PX4 / MAVSDK, so I am sorry if my issue is actually really obvious. I am using typhoon_h480

make px4_sitl gazebo-classic_typhoon_h480

and then I am trying to run the following code in ipython

from mavsdk import System
from import Mode
import mavsdk

drone = System()
await drone.connect()
await drone.action.arm()
await drone.action.takeoff()
await drone.gimbal.take_control(mavsdk.gimbal.ControlMode.PRIMARY)
await drone.gimbal.set_mode(mavsdk.gimbal.GimbalMode.YAW_LOCK)
await drone.gimbal.set_pitch_and_yaw(-90, 0)

The result is

CameraError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[2], line 1
----> 1 await

File ~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/mavsdk/, in Camera.set_mode(self, mode)
   2064 result = self._extract_result(response)
   2066 if result.result != CameraResult.Result.SUCCESS:
-> 2067     raise CameraError(result, "set_mode()", mode)

CameraError: TIMEOUT: 'Timeout'; origin: set_mode(); params: (<Mode.PHOTO: 1>,)

and if I check mavsdk_server I see

[04:06:04|Warn ] Received ack for not-existing command: 530! Ignoring... (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:283)
[04:06:05|Warn ] sending again after 0.501531 s, retries to do: 3  (530). (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:312)
[04:06:05|Warn ] Received ack for not-existing command: 530! Ignoring... (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:283)
[04:06:05|Warn ] sending again after 1.00608 s, retries to do: 2  (530). (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:312)
[04:06:05|Warn ] Received ack for not-existing command: 530! Ignoring... (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:283)
[04:06:06|Warn ] sending again after 1.51063 s, retries to do: 1  (530). (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:312)
[04:06:06|Warn ] Received ack for not-existing command: 530! Ignoring... (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:283)
[04:06:06|Error] Retrying failed (530) (mavlink_command_sender.cpp:339)


from the developer guide it seems like a internal issue

I am using gazebo classic, so I am actually starting typhoon_h480 ( Gazebo Classic Vehicles | PX4 Guide (main) ) and that model does work with QGroundControl ( both video and photo ), but if I try the code I added in the original post, I get the TIMEOUT error.

I think I kind of found out what is happening. The video is just broadcasted on UPD port 5600 and you can use OpenCV to save it ( How to use the SITL gazebo camera without ROS? - PX4 Autopilot - Discussion Forum for PX4, Pixhawk, QGroundControl, MAVSDK, MAVLink ), but it’s not actually available through MAVSDK.

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Did you get it to work? I’m using the same setup and facing the same issue.