I get errors when I try to do the ESC calibration, I have connected the FCU via USB, when I want to calibrate the ESC I get the error that I need to disconnect the Batter, I discovered this error in 1.15.1 as well. I changed back to 1.14.2 it worked now I wanted to try 1.15.2 but get the same error
I have heard about this with some flight controllers. can you make sure that your ESC firmware is the most up to date
Oh, let me check 1.14.2 just i try 1.15.2 also no luck with ESC calibration…
How can I change the ESC’s firmware?
Do you have any luck with that?
No luck, for my 2 x Pixhawk 6X Baseboard v2B Firmware 1.15.2, 1.15.3 and 1.16.0 still no luck same message…
I think the process that you followed is not correct. just follow the instruction below it may helpfull for you
Step 1: Safety Precautions
- Remove all propellers from the motors to prevent accidents.
- Place the drone on a stable, non-conductive surface.
Step 2: Prepare for Calibration
- Disconnect the Battery: Ensure the flight controller and ESCs are not powered.
- Connect the Flight Controller to Your Ground Control Software: If using Mission Planner, QGroundControl, or similar, ensure the software is running.
- Ensure your transmitter is powered on and bound to the receiver.
Step 3: Set Throttle to Maximum
- Turn on your transmitter and move the throttle stick to the maximum position.
Step 4: Enter Calibration Mode
- Power the ESCs:
Connect the battery to power the ESCs and the flight controller.
- Wait for ESC Tones:
The ESCs will emit a series of beeps indicating they have entered calibration mode.
Step 5: Set Throttle to Minimum
- Lower the throttle stick to the minimum position.
- Wait for the ESCs to emit confirmation beeps indicating calibration is complete.
Step 6: Verify Calibration
- Disconnect the battery.
- Reconnect the battery and arm the motors.
- Gradually increase the throttle to ensure all motors start and spin smoothly and synchronously.