Hi everyone,
I am studying the tailsitter configuration in PX4 with gazebo simulation.
While reading through the `liftdrag_plugin.cpp’ file, I noticed that the component of the vehicle’s speed in the lift-drag plane is used to calculate the dynamic pressure:
// compute dynamic pressure
double speedInLDPlane = velInLDPlane.Length();
double q = 0.5 * this->rho * speedInLDPlane * speedInLDPlane;
Shouldn’t the overall resultant airspeed be considered for calculating the dynamic pressure?
Also, I am curious about why the lift, drag, and moment coefficients need to be multiplied by cosSweepAngle:
cl = this->cla * this->alpha * cosSweepAngle;
cd = (this->cda * this->alpha) * cosSweepAngle;
cm = this->cma * this->alpha * cosSweepAngle;
liftdrag_plugin.cpp file: here