is it possible to use Gazebo to simulate hover of a Dual Motor Tailsitter VTLO? In this case Gazebo has to simulate the “forces” of the control surfaces in hover as well. Can Gazebo simulate this already?
Thanks and regards,
is it possible to use Gazebo to simulate hover of a Dual Motor Tailsitter VTLO? In this case Gazebo has to simulate the “forces” of the control surfaces in hover as well. Can Gazebo simulate this already?
Thanks and regards,
I’m not sure if Gazebo can do this, but I’m interested. Have you seen the quad tailsitter gazebo model?
make posix_sitl_default gazebo_tailsitter
Hi Mike,
i’m interrested too. I’m just new to this community, my plan is to build and develop Dual motor Tailsitter, like caipirhina but with an optionnal foldable tail for extended range (because flying wing are poor performers)
as gazebo can simulate quads and planes, this should be possible, we have to dig. Any help welcome !
(for now, i can run and control iris drone with gazebo/qgroundcontrol, bor i cant run the tailsitter dagar is mentionning, an error occur and gazebo finally launch empty world…)
i’ll follow this topic !
@tumbili Would be great if you could chime in there.
@dagar Yes, have seen the quad tailsitter. I think it will not use the force of the control surfaces in hover mode, but I am not 100% sure. I will get a bit deeper into this when I have some time.
@Matthias_Favrel Hi Matthias, we have to figure out if it is as easy as simulating an airplane. There is no “airspeed” in hover mode, the “airspeed” has to come from the propellers, I don’t know how complicated that kind of simulation is in Gazebo.
Yes, I don’t think we will manage this with proper air coming from the propellers, instead it should be possible to apply forces related by equation to the angle of the control surface. We should dig into the airplane model (I haven’t found how it works at the moment), does anyone know how aerodynamic is modelled ?
Here’s some general background on the gazebo LiftDrag plugin. http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?tut=aerodynamics&cat=plugins
Apparently it doesn’t model any aerodynamic moments. https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/issues/8213
Do you guys have any updates on this? I have been trying to extend the PhoenixDrone project to support transtion + fixed-wing flight as well by superimposing the aerodynamic forces from LiftDragPlugin onto the existing model and staring the fixed-wing position and attitude control module. However, I can’t seem to get the vehicle to transition (problematic pitch control causes the vehicle to hit the ground before transitioning to the fixed-wing mode).
Already replied: https://github.com/PX4/Firmware/issues/13875
@dagar @Jaeyoung-Lim @mike2 @Matthias_Favrel @LorenzMeier
Although it has been 7 years since the author asked the question, I found that no one in the px4 development team seems to have improved this, because the latest version (v1.15.x) of the Tailsitter model has not changed, and four motors are still used instead of control surfaces to generate roll/pitch torque in vertical flight mode. Maybe the development team is committed to using a newer gazebo simulation instead of gazebo-classic. It is actually only necessary to modify the src/liftdrag_plugin/liftdrag_plugin.cpp file in sitl_gazebo so that the wind on the control surface is not only generated by the forward flight speed, but also by the rotation of the propeller, so that the pitch moment can be generated in vertical flight mode. I have done some work in this regard. We designed a new type of aircraft DFUAV, similar to Musk’s SpaceX Starship. I wrote a new mix file (after v1.14, QGC is used to configure the actuator, and there is no need to write the mixing control file yourself). I conducted flight experiments with the help of pixhawk running px4, and also wrote a gazebo model of this new UAV, which was successfully run in px4 sitl. Refer to the DFUAV project, in which liftdrag_plugin is consider propeller. Another project PhoenixDrone that modifies liftdrag_plugin is gazebo_ts_aerodynamic_plugin.cpp