I have a problem with connecting my companion computer (dronekit-python scripts) and Pixhawk 4.
it shows like:

I am using the microUSB port on the side.
When if I turn to use TELEM2 port, another problem like:
So would you please find what exactly the problem is?
Looking forward your reply! Would Appreciate it so much!
The first image is not readable due to the small size
The second image means that you don’t have connection to the flight controller
HI, Jaeyoung
sorry for the first pic unclear, i attach it again here:
ANd yes, i agree with you the second pic demos TELEM2 can’t connect the controller. So terrible Idk why!
what i believe is either USB port or TELEM2 can be used by developers, i don’t have perference.
So please Mr. Jaeyound Lim, can you help me to fix the first question or another?
@Guohao91 I am not familiar with Dronekit, but you seem to have too many waypoints? Have you tried with mavsdk python?
Yes, I’ll work on mavsdk python since the next week.
I ain’t have many waypoints in my code. It’s just a simple alarm problem kept showing up pirior to be initialised. And i searched around and found someone did say :"PX4 firmware doesn’t entirely be compatible with dronekit " So i guess it is a small problem hided in the dronekit API, which I hoestly can’t find out