Does dronekit-python support PX4 open source code?


as I know, there are two open source code that support pixhawk hardware platform, they are ardupilot and px4, it’s sure that dronekit-python support ardupilot, so I am wondering if dronekit-python support px4?

Thanks a lot


Is this what you are looking for?

Hi Tom,

Yes Dronekit works with PX4, and we’re looking at using it for automated testing.

CarlOlsson,Thanks a lot for you help


Hi, dagar
Thanks a lot for you help

I have another question. previously I use “ardupilot” on the pixhawk, and I have done the dronekit code as user app. now I want to use px4 instead of ardupilot, can I use previous dronekit-python code that used with ardupilot transplant to companion computer, if do ,should I modify the dronekit-python code?

Thanks a lot in advacne


I believe the idea is it’s mostly autopilot agnostic, but I’ve only used it for PX4 in a few simple cases.