Disable "Roll failure detected" in SITL simulation with ROS

Hi, I would like to disable the “Roll failure detected” Failsafe action/error. I am working purely in simulation for now and it won’t be a problem for me.

Could you let me understand how to do it through ROS/MAVROS and without passing through QGroundControl?

I know that this is related to the parameter FD_FAIL_R but I would like to completely disable the failsafe check of both pitch and roll.

I can already set the parameter FD_FAIL_R with the following command:

rosservice call /mavros/param/set "param_id: 'FD_FAIL_R'
  integer: 80
  real: 0.0"

Thanks for your help.

I found a way to disable this but I am not sure it is the best way. I just set the FD_FAIL_R to more than 360 and I can make the drone roll as much as I can.

Therefore I set it at

rosservice call /mavros/param/set "param_id: 'FD_FAIL_R'
  integer: 80
  real: 0.0"

Hi @desmond13,
you can find the proper answer in the parameter description:

Setting this parameter to 0 disables the check

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Thanks for your reply.