Can PX4 fly all skewed-rotor models?

I had supposed yes, because the omnicopter flies. But is this just a special case?

On testing a 6-rotor model in SITL gazebo, I have experimented with parameters without curing instability. 2 rotors are aligned to lift vertically. The model takes off and climbs to a 10m altitude target, but then attitude instability sets in, resulting in total instability.

Some additional unsatisfactory behaviour during the climb to 10m:

  • 2 rotors are correcting for motor torque that should be nearly cancelled by vehicle symmetry.

  • The load is very badly distributed over the rotors:
    The 2 vertical-lift rotors do nearly all the lifting while another 2 rotors don’t spin until instability sets in.

Any suggestions?

Otherwise is it time for me to begin to study the code with the intention of writing my own simpler controller to handle 6-degree-of-freedom capability?