Calibration Failed

I am having trouble calibrating my quad. I have the x500 v2 dev kit from HolyBro. I have tried just plugging in the pixhawk 6c with just usb and calibrating it, but the gyro and accelerometer fail calibration every time. The compass is able to calibrate. I am running PX4 1.13 stable and QGroundControl for setup. The pixhawk board is on the quad. Everything unplugged except USB from my laptop to the Pixhawk 6c. Tr

Start the individual calibration steps by clicking one of the buttons to the left.

[cal] calibration started: 2 gyro

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

motion, retrying…

ERROR: Motion during calibration

[cal] calibration failed: gyro

[cal] calibration started: 2 accel

[cal] pending: back front left right up down

[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] down orientation detected

[cal] down orientation detected

[cal] Hold still, measuring down side

[cal] down side result: [-3.463 13.789 -10.487]

[cal] down side done, rotate to a different side

[cal] down side done, rotate to a different side

[cal] pending: back front left right up

[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] detected motion, hold still…

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] up orientation detected

[cal] up orientation detected

[cal] Hold still, measuring up side

[cal] accel 0 invalid Z-axis, check rotation

[cal] calibration failed: accel

[cal] calibration started: 2 accel

[cal] pending: back front left right up down

[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] down orientation detected

[cal] down orientation detected

[cal] Hold still, measuring down side

[cal] down side result: [-3.781 12.953 -10.830]

[cal] down side done, rotate to a different side

[cal] down side done, rotate to a different side

[cal] pending: back front left right up

[cal] hold vehicle still on a pending side

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] detected motion, hold still…

[cal] detected rest position, hold still…

[cal] front orientation detected

[cal] front orientation detected

[cal] Hold still, measuring front side

[cal] accel 0 invalid X-axis, check rotation

[cal] calibration failed: accel

Hi, I am also getting the same error. Did you solve the issue?

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