Beeping motors issue - pixhawk6c -

My motors on my quadcopter beeps once every second as soon as I plug them into power. Using QGC, I’m unable to spin the motors manually, but when I run calibrate esc’s on the power page, it allows me to do so.

This is my current connection(on the image below).

I read that I need to plug the ESCs into M1, M2, M3, & M4 on the PM07 module, but I was curious if there was another way using the PWM attachment to save the hassle of disassembly? Currently, I have the signal pins plugged into the PWM out attachment and only the power and GND from the ESC into the PM07 module itself.

If the only way is to use the M1-M4 pins on the PM07, assuming that the ESCs black and white wires are GND and signal, do I just solder the non-signal wire to one of the open GND pins?

I also have some red values in my parameters, assuming from the escs.

And here’s a short video
Beeping motors. Pixhawk 6c. PM07 PDB. Readytosky 30A 2-6s - YouTube

Try to use the transmitter to spin the motor, arm it first to see if it can spin

I was unable to spin through my controller either, in my previous setup. I’ve was able to stop beeping after I made a couple changes, but I still can’t get the motors to spin.

These are my changes:

  • Connected the signal pins of the ESCs to M1-M4
  • Connected ESC power to B+ nearest corresponding motor number M1-M4
  • Left signal GND floating.
  • calibrate ESCs

Everytime I remove the battery and put them back in, the motors will beep and twitch rapidly unless I hit calibrate esc first. Then I’ll get two beeps followed by three beeps and they are quiet.

Unfortunately, they won’t spin still via Radio Controller or QGC motor setup test.

As I was filming to show what was happening, It suddenly doesn’t require me to calibrate everytime I remove the battery now.
Connected I/O PWM M1-M4 - YouTube

Here’s more info:
Firmware: PX4 1.13.2 Generic Quadcopter
QGroundControl v4.2.4

I guess u need to change esc to blheili, the firmware may affect the calibration, just try it.

Thank you for helping me with this. Can you elaborate? What do you mean blheili? Is that a parameter or a different esc? My escs firmware cannot be updated, but I’m willing to purchase new ones to get this in the air.

BLHeili is another brand ESC, use a different firmware, try it if that one works

Ah yes. I just saw that the holybro x500 build usually comes with blheli s ESCs so I ordered some of those and read more about the ESCs in the PX4 documentation. I contacted the manufacturer of the generic ones I got and they said it would still work after calibrating the sensors an etc, but I ended up blowing one up so i might as well replace them all :sweat_smile:

Thanks again for your input! I’ll let you know how it goes once I get the new ESCs in

So I got some blheli s ESCs which are the same as the x500 v2 airframes build. If I’m connecting the ESC signal pin to M1-M4 where do I connect the ESC ground pin to? The FMU-PWM out pin on the PM-07?

The px4 doc says ESC must be connected to GND

Hello, were you able to solve the issue?

Yes I was. I think I used the fmu pwm pins