Why do modifications to the print_status function in ControlAllocator have no effect?

Hi, I’m using PX4 1.13.0, and I want to check some value in controlallocator, here is what I’ve modified:

in ControlAllocation.hpp:

	const matrix::Vector<float, NUM_ACTUATORS> &getActuatorTrim() const { return _actuator_trim; }
	const matrix::Vector<float, NUM_AXES> &getControlTrim() const { return _control_trim; }

in ControlAllocator.cpp:

	if (_actuator_effectiveness != nullptr) {
		PX4_INFO("Effectiveness Source: %s", _actuator_effectiveness->name());

	// Print current effectiveness matrix
	for (int i = 0; i < _num_control_allocation; ++i) {
		const ActuatorEffectiveness::EffectivenessMatrix &effectiveness = _control_allocation[i]->getEffectivenessMatrix();

		if (_num_control_allocation > 1) {
			PX4_INFO("Instance: %i", i);

		PX4_INFO("  custom print test.");
		PX4_INFO("  Effectiveness.T =");
		PX4_INFO("  minimum =");
		PX4_INFO("  maximum =");
		PX4_INFO("  actuator_trim =");
		PX4_INFO("  control_trim =");
		PX4_INFO("  Configured actuators: %i", _control_allocation[i]->numConfiguredActuators());

first, I use make clean command;

second, I use make px4_sitl gazebo command.

finally, revise the mavros_posix_sitl.launch:

<arg name="vehicle" default="iris_ctrlalloc"/>

and run roslaunch px4 mavros_posix_sitl.launch

then in the px4 terminal, run commander takeoff and control_allocator status, but I got:

even without the string print?

thanks a lot for any advice!

It’s Release/1.13, the links are changed by system to main tree

make_px4_sitl xxx works, but roslaunch will got no modification output, super wired