Vehicle and sensor datas

Hi everyone, I am figuring out everything step by step… And in nsh, when command ls /obj I noticed that there are sensor and vehicle data like:

nsh> listener vehicle_magnetometer

TOPIC: vehicle_magnetometer 2 instances

Instance 0:
	timestamp: 1867554377  (0.066130 seconds ago)
	timestamp_sample: 1867546202  (8175 us before timestamp)
	device_id: 396825 (Type: 0x06, I2C:3 (0x0E)) 
	magnetometer_ga: [-0.4158, -0.4750, 0.3249]
	calibration_count: 3

Instance 1:
	timestamp: 1867662652  (0.003013 seconds ago)
	timestamp_sample: 1867661683  (969 us before timestamp)
	device_id: 396809 (Type: 0x06, I2C:1 (0x0E)) 
	magnetometer_ga: [0.2028, -0.0225, 0.0054]
	calibration_count: 0
nsh> listener sensor_mag

TOPIC: sensor_mag 2 instances

Instance 0:
	timestamp: 1878958024  (0.038512 seconds ago)
	timestamp_sample: 1878957084  (940 us before timestamp)
	device_id: 396825 (Type: 0x06, I2C:3 (0x0E)) 
	x: -0.2219
	y: -0.3750
	z: 0.3712
	temperature: nan
	error_count: 0
	is_external: False

Instance 1:
	timestamp: 1879083901  (0.004078 seconds ago)
	timestamp_sample: 1879082955  (946 us before timestamp)
	device_id: 396809 (Type: 0x06, I2C:1 (0x0E)) 
	x: 0.3356
	y: 0.0795
	z: 0.2537
	temperature: nan
	error_count: 0
	is_external: True

Why are they seperated, they are same e.g instance 0s and 1s respectively. Theree are things are added e.g magnetometer gain ? (magnetometer_ga).
How can I use this info?

There is not any documentation about that, so I asked to know.