Termination mode activation dangerous

Hi there,
Using Cube Orange PX4 v1.14.3.

I recently detected in some flights that, when switching to offboard mode, aircraft enters termination mode. This happened in position mode when switching on ground to offboard. Also when switching to offboard on air (but thank goodness aircraft was on a rope).
But the worst thing is that this happened on ground once without offboard change.
After reviewing all flights, I detected that the pattern was that local position invalid failsafe flags were triggered. And the common fact in all of them was that in logging dropouts DELTA_1 was high (between 1000ms and 1700ms).
I understand that not having msgs for that interval makes PX4 to activate Termination mode. I have disabled the “high_rate & raw_FIFO_IMU_accel” in SDLOG_PROFILE to avoid this problem with the dropouts and delta.
However, it looks very strange that this mode is enabled due to excess of msgs, instead of reducing (or disabling) the msgs logging.
Termination1_delta_1500ms log
Termination2_delta_1500ms log
Termination3_delta_1600ms log
No_issues_delta_10ms log

I find this issue very risky, what is your opinion about this?
Thanks in advance