SITL commander mode issue


when I run SITL with make posix_sitl_default gazebo, the simulation is fine. I can takeoff typing “commander takeoff” and the iris lift off. When I change flight mode, e.g. typing commander mode stabilized, the autopilot responds with “failsafe on” and the copter lands. The same behaviour happens if I change the delight mode from QGC with the only exception of “Hold” that works.

Is this behaviour normal? In thys way I can’t test my own flight mode in SITL…

I believe stabilize mode requires an RC controller (like most manual modes). Commander will allow you to switch to a manual mode regardless of if a RC controller is connected but if the status.rc_signal_lost is true when you switch to stab mode, the commander will trigger a failsafe. Try switching to the auto modes (i.e. nonmanual modes) - I believe ‘Hold’ is a nonmanual mode.

Thankyou @lamping.ap and @tonysam1, I’ll try this way…