Px4flow not working with pixhawk 4 mini

Dear people.

I have setup:

-PixHawk 4 mini
Jetson TX2

I have load the version 1.9 stable in the pixhawk over qgroundcontrol station.

The communication from the companion board (Jetson TX2) to the groundcontrol station is via wireless.

I use EKF2 and I had Set

 SENS_FLOW_ROT to 270 degrees, default 
 EKF2_AID_MASK to use optical flow and GPS
 EKF2_HGT_MODE to use the range finder

So far I could see in the mavlink inspector the:


However, it suddenly stop working I do not see any more the -optical_flow_rad in the mavlink inspector. I can see the leds blinking on the px4flow sensor.

The extras.txt in the /etc file of the SDcard of the pixhawk is:

mavlink stop-all
mavlink start -d /dev/ttyS1 -b 921600 -r 1000 -m onboard
mavlink stream -d /dev/ttyS1 -s ATTITUDE -r 1000

Any help or advise I really appreciate it.

Instead of using your custom extras.txt, I would suggest that you configure your link as described here: https://docs.px4.io/en/peripherals/serial_configuration.html

Hi Julian,

Thank you for your answer,

And, the question is how it shall be in my case?? How can I do it?

thank you