PX4 Gazebo mutipledrone problem

Hi, i’m using px4 gazebo to simulation drone. i want to spawn 2 drone and do some mission waypoint:

i used this command to start the gazebo sim:
/Firmware/Tools/simulation/gazebo-classic/sitl_multiple_run.sh -n2 -m iris

then I open 2 other terminal and start PX4
./build/px4_sitl_default/bin/px4 -i 0
./build/px4_sitl_default/bin/px4 -i 1

i can see 2 iris drone are spawn and then i open QGroundcontrol, it automatically connect 2 drone.

I start mission of drone 1. then i switch to the drone 2 but i got the problem that drone 1 got failesaft and return to lanch.

I dont know what is the problem. pls help me

Which PX4 version is that?

Have you tried reproducing it with this?

May be you can use COM_RCL_EXCEPT parameter to avoid trigger failsafe in mission mode.

hi, thank you for the support. i tried setting COM_RCL_EXECPT and the fail safe warning seem not exsit anymore… however i got this notify from QGC so i cannot arm the vehicle

I use PX4 autopilot commit “b6da0b141d9945128bc069a9a5a25f3c3c86893e”

There may be different problems that cause this situation. You can see the reason from warning tab at left top of the screen like this:
Something preventing arming. Like high throttle,flight termination or AHRS healthy. Check these flags.