I am putting together a drone using the folloiwng parts:
- PixHawk 4
- Power management board (PMB)
- EMAX 2213 motors
- DJI E-430 Lite ESCs
I am a bit confused the he ESC to PMB wiring. In older PixHawks the ESCs would connect directly to headers “in” the body of the PixHawk body, but with the PixHawk 4 this has moved to the PMB.
Here is a picture of my current wiring setup:
Close up of PMB:
Close up of ESC:
I would connect the “thick” white wire from the ESC to the B+ port on the PMB, the “thick” black wire to the GND pad on the PMB, the “thin” white wire (from the ESCs servo plug) to the M port (M2 in this case) and the “thin” black wire (from the ESCs servo plug) to the same GND pad of the PMB. Is this correct?
My main concern is the connection of the “thin” black wire (ground), do I just connect it to the GND pad? Because the PX4 website says all ESC connections must have a ground connected but in their diagrams they don’t show it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!