Pixhawk 6C flight tests

I have opened this thread for testing Pixhawk 6C tests:

After testing today with the current main branch as the logs below I came to some points:


I had to get help from this PR by @Vincentpoont2 although is not a solid solution to make it fly.

There is an issue tracker by @ryanjAA here which came in handy for me.

@bresch they might be interesting for you as well because of multi HGT source PR. I put the REF on Distance sensor as I have Lightware SF11/c on the drone.


Thanks. There is something strange with the baro: it’s getting spikes to several km altitude. The EKF refuses to use it.

Thanks Mathieu, I will talk about during dev call today if you were available.


Some new tests with 1.13 release:


This PR should fix an issue with the baro.@bresch I assume it is related?

This is a 6C flight (fw) where the baro went to -2000m. Failsafing in sensors status as well.


nsh> listener sensor_baro
TOPIC: sensor_baro
timestamp: 306364407 (0.019055 seconds ago)
timestamp_sample: 306363823 (584 us before timestamp)
device_id: 4028193 (Type: 0x3D, I2C:4 (0x77))
pressure: 94820.0000
temperature: 34.0500
error_count: 16592

[vehicle_air_data] selected BARO: 4028193 (0)
validator: best: -1, prev best: 0, failsafe: YES (621 events)
sensor #0, prio: 1, state: TOUT ECNT
val: 94817.0000, lp: 94832.1797 mean dev: -0.0621 RMS: 8836.0410 conf: 0.0000
val: 36.5800, lp: 36.6044 mean dev: 0.0161 RMS: 0.3608 conf: 0.0000
val: 556.5782, lp: 555.3652 mean dev: -0.0023 RMS: 348.4777 conf: 0.0000
BARO 4028193 EN: 1, offset: 0.000, Internal


I am testing latest master based on what had a chat about last meeting. The very first issue is I have no RC (13.2 is ok). My Pixhawk 5X is ok with RC. I am using Radiolink RS12 with SBUS by the way.

cc: @dagar

Some outputs are below:

nsh> dmesg
HW arch: PX4_FMU_V6C
HW type: V6C000000
HW version: 0x000
HW revision: 0x000
PX4 git-hash: 45b390b0bfe21fc591b36ec898f6fc0791fc4729
PX4 version: 1.13.0 80 (17629312)
OS: NuttX
OS version: Release 10.2.0 (167903487)
OS git-hash: 6bafcb22b7d62184fd1158c0b53c8dbd884275b8
Build datetime: Nov 19 2022 03:18:42
Build uri: localhost
Build variant: default
Toolchain: GNU GCC, 9.3.1 20200408 (release)
PX4GUID: 00060000000034373938303151040043002d
MCU: STM32H7[4|5]xxx, rev. V
INFO  [param] selected parameter default file /fs/mtd_params
INFO  [param] importing from '/fs/mtd_params'
WARN  [parameters] ignoring unrecognised parameter 'PWM_AUX_OUT'
WARN  [parameters] ignoring unrecognised parameter 'PWM_MAIN_OUT'
INFO  [parameters] BSON document size 2567 bytes, decoded 2567 bytes (INT32:44, FLOAT:83)
INFO  [param] selected parameter backup file /fs/microsd/parameters_backup.bson
Board architecture defaults: /etc/init.d/rc.board_arch_defaults
Board defaults: /etc/init.d/rc.board_defaults
Loading airframe: /etc/init.d/airframes/4015_holybro_s500
INFO  [dataman] data manager file '/fs/microsd/dataman' size is 62560 bytes
rgbled_ncp5623c #0 on I2C bus 1 address 0x39
Board sensors: /etc/init.d/rc.board_sensors
bmi055_accel #0 on SPI bus 1 rotation 4
bmi055_gyro #0 on SPI bus 1 rotation 4
icm42688p #0 on SPI bus 1 rotation 6
ms5611 #0 on I2C bus 4 (external) address 0x77
ist8310 #0 on I2C bus 4 (external) address 0xC
ist8310 #1 on I2C bus 1 (external) address 0xE rotation 10
lightware_laser_i2c #0 on I2C bus 4 address 0x66 rotation 25
WARN  [SPI_I2C] Already running on bus 1
ekf2 [533:237]
Starting Main GPS on /dev/ttyS0
Starting MAVLink on /dev/ttyS5
INFO  [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 1200 B/s on /dev/ttyS5 @ 57600B
INFO  [logger] logger started (mode=all)
INFO  [logger] Logging FIFO data: increasing task prio and logging rate
INFO  [logger] Start file log (type: full)
INFO  [uavcan] Node ID 1, bitrate 1000000
INFO  [logger] [logger] /fs/microsd/log/2022-12-04/12_57_02.ulg    
INFO  [logger] Opened full log file: /fs/microsd/log/2022-12-04/12_57_02.ulg

NuttShell (NSH) NuttX-10.2.0
nsh> INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input    
INFO  [gps] u-blox firmware version: SPG 3.01
INFO  [gps] u-blox protocol version: 18.00
INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input    
WARN  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight: GPS fix too low
INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input    
INFO  [commander] Connection to ground station lost    
WARN  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight: GPS fix too low
INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input    
INFO  [commander] GCS connection regained    
WARN  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight: GPS fix too low
INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input    
WARN  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight: GPS fix too low
INFO  [health_and_arming_checks] Preflight Fail: No manual control input 

And also:

nsh> work_queue status

Work Queue: 10 threads                          RATE        INTERVAL
|__ 1) wq:rate_ctrl    
|   |__ 1) control_allocator                665.4 Hz         1503 us
|   |__ 2) mc_rate_control                  665.4 Hz         1503 us
|   |__ 3) pwm_out                          665.4 Hz         1503 us
|   \__ 4) vehicle_angular_velocity         665.4 Hz         1503 us
|__ 2) wq:SPI1         
|   |__ 1) bmi055_accel                     677.4 Hz         1476 us
|   |__ 2) bmi055_gyro                      665.4 Hz         1503 us
|   \__ 3) icm42688p                        811.1 Hz         1233 us
|__ 3) wq:I2C1         
|   |__ 1) ist8310                           46.8 Hz        21345 us
|   \__ 2) rgbled_ncp5623c                    9.9 Hz       100767 us
|__ 4) wq:I2C4         
|   |__ 1) ist8310                           46.3 Hz        21620 us
|   |__ 2) lightware_laser_i2c               19.8 Hz        50441 us
|   \__ 3) ms5611                            92.5 Hz        10810 us
|__ 5) wq:nav_and_controllers
|   |__ 1) ekf2_selector                    332.7 Hz         3006 us
|   |__ 2) flight_mode_manager               50.0 Hz        19999 us
|   |__ 3) land_detector                    110.9 Hz         9017 us
|   |__ 4) mc_att_control                   221.8 Hz         4508 us
|   |__ 5) mc_hover_thrust_estimator        110.9 Hz         9016 us
|   |__ 6) mc_pos_control                   110.9 Hz         9017 us
|   |__ 7) sensors                          221.8 Hz         4508 us
|   |__ 8) vehicle_acceleration             225.8 Hz         4428 us
|   |__ 9) vehicle_air_data                  69.4 Hz        14413 us
|   |__10) vehicle_gps_position               5.0 Hz       199946 us
|   \__11) vehicle_magnetometer              46.3 Hz        21620 us
|__ 6) wq:INS0         
|   |__ 1) ekf2                             221.8 Hz         4508 us
|   |__ 2) ekf2                             221.8 Hz         4508 us
|   \__ 3) vehicle_imu                      223.0 Hz         4485 us
|__ 7) wq:INS1         
|   |__ 1) ekf2                             202.8 Hz         4932 us
|   |__ 2) ekf2                             202.8 Hz         4932 us
|   \__ 3) vehicle_imu                      221.3 Hz         4518 us
|__ 8) wq:hp_default   
|   |__ 1) battery_status                   100.0 Hz        10000 us
|   |__ 2) board_adc                        100.0 Hz        10000 us (10000 us)
|   |__ 3) gyro_fft                         332.7 Hz         3006 us
|   |__ 4) manual_control                     5.0 Hz       200057 us
|   |__ 5) mc_autotune_attitude_control       0.0 Hz            0 us
|   |__ 6) rc_update                          0.0 Hz            0 us
|   \__ 7) tone_alarm                         0.0 Hz            0 us
|__ 9) wq:uavcan       
|   |__ 1) uavcan                           333.3 Hz         3000 us (3000 us)
|   |__ 2) uavcan-actuators-esc               3.3 Hz       299659 us (300000 us)
|   \__ 3) uavcan-actuators-servo             3.3 Hz       299661 us (300000 us)
\__ 10) wq:lp_default   
    |__ 1) gyro_calibration                  50.0 Hz        19999 us (20000 us)
    |__ 2) load_mon                           2.0 Hz       499889 us (500000 us)
    |__ 3) mag_bias_estimator                50.0 Hz        19998 us (20000 us)
    \__ 4) send_event                        30.0 Hz        33331 us (33333 us)

And a log in case needed: