New support for Parrot Bebop 2


We have traditionally a focus on development platforms but got requests at ETH for supporting the Parrot Bebop 2 so people could use it in research and teaching.

Support is coming on master and we hope that this will be a more stable platform for people doing research than the bare-bones autopilot boards.


Very nice. I know the Bepop 1 is an impressively integrated package.

Awesome, can’t wait to try it!

Support is coming on master
Are you running PX4 natively on their Linux hardware or is there a pix* squeezed inside feeding it commands?

I guess native:

Does support for Parrot Bebop 2 exist? I only find references to bebop in the source and the docs seem to only include a small excerpt about the FTDI cable. Are the installation instructions for Bebop and Bebop 2 exactly the same? Thanks!