Max degree of roll allowed in Stability Mode was too low?

Hello all,

Just did a test flight which ended pretty catastrophically. I was in stability mode and the max degree of roll the Pixhawk was allowing was really really low, possibly 15-20 degrees at most. As a result I had very poor controllability and crashed. I have FW_R_LIM set to 55 degrees. Is there another setting I need to change to improve max roll in stability mode?

Or, is it possible that in stability mode for some reason would not allow me to roll any further? I was having either CG issues or control surface movement issues (plane was pitching down despite heavy radio trim) and this limited my degree of roll?

Does anyone in this community use Fixed Wing drones? I wonder why they are so unpopular?

We use fixed wing everyday on PX4. Upload your flight log review link.

Here’s the flight log review link.