Mavros inconsistency in config file px4_config.yaml

Dear People.

I have the following hardware:
pixhawk mini
zed camera

and the following software
ROS kinetic
Ubuntu 16.04.1
Jetsonpack 3.2.1
ZED=SDK version 2.7

I am using mavros to interface the pixhawk to my ROS environment.

I am trying to read the following topics:

/mavros/global_position/local ////////
/mavros/local_position/odom //////

I also have drone.xacro model.

I have recorded some bagfiles and when I visualized them in RVIZ I can see the topics




Totally shifted and rotated. This can be seen in the following figure:

  • The red arrow set is the /stereo/camera/rtabmap/odom topic, in other words the odom calculated by rtabmap based on the stereo images.

  • The green arrow set is the /mavros/local_position/odom topic that is shifted and do not follow the drones position in RVIZ

  • The blue arrow set is the /mavros/global_position/loca topic that is shifted and do not follow the drones position in RVIZ

The tf tree is depicted in the next figure:

The way I am calling mavros is as follows:

and the px4_config.yaml I am using according to a forum :

Solving default frame consistency in config files by AlexisTM · Pull Request #791 · mavlink/mavros · GitHub

And also /mavros/imu/data topic is delay with respect to the base_link of the drone.

Can some one help me or suggest what is wrong???

Thank you so much.