Linking a custom simulator in Python to a PX4 SITL?


We would like to link some own simulator (an alternative to jsbsim written in Python) with a PX4 SITL.

According to the PX4’s doc, the way to start a standalone PX4 SITL is like this:

$ make px4_sitl none_iris

(with “iris” to be adapted according to the situation)

After being launched the terminal indicates the simulator must connect to a TCP port:

  PWM_MIN: curr: 1000 -> new: 1075
  GPS_UBX_DYNMODEL: curr: 7 -> new: 6
* SYS_AUTOCONFIG: curr: 1 -> new: 0
INFO  [dataman] Unknown restart, data manager file './dataman' size is 11798680 bytes
INFO  [simulator] Waiting for simulator to accept connection on TCP port 4560

In Python then, I connect to the port with pymavlink:

from pymavlink import mavutil
vehicle = mavutil.mavlink_connection('tcpin:localhost:4560')
print("Heartbeat from system (system %u component %u)" % (vehicle.target_system, vehicle.target_component))

The connection works and the terminal indicates:

INFO  [simulator] Simulator connected on TCP port 4560.

But then it gets stuck there.

Logically the PX4 should also open a UDP port so that it can be monitored. For example, when using an existing simulator like flightgear with make px4_sitl_nolockstep flightgear_rascal I can connect to the UDP port without issue and monitor the drone attitude.

In the doc (Simulation | PX4 User Guide) it’s said the simulator must send MAVLink messages as HIL_SENSOR or HIL_GPS and receive HIL_ACTUATOR_CONTROLS from the PX4. Always with pymavlink I send all the defined messages, eg:

# Send HIL_GPS

    time_usec           = 1636636640    , # Timestamp (UNIX Epoch time or time since system boot). The receiving end can infer timestamp format (since 1.1.1970 or since system boot) by checking for the magnitude of the number. [us] (type:uint64_t)
    fix_type            = 0             , # 0-1: no fix, 2: 2D fix, 3: 3D fix. Some applications will not use the value of this field unless it is at least two, so always correctly fill in the fix. (type:uint8_t)
    lat                 = 40            , # Latitude (WGS84) [degE7] (type:int32_t)
    lon                 = 17            , # Longitude (WGS84) [degE7] (type:int32_t)
    alt                 = 0             , # Altitude (MSL). Positive for up. [mm] (type:int32_t)
    eph                 = 0             , # GPS HDOP horizontal dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (type:uint16_t)
    epv                 = 0             , # GPS VDOP vertical dilution of position (unitless). If unknown, set to: UINT16_MAX (type:uint16_t)
    vel                 = 0             , # GPS ground speed. If unknown, set to: 65535 [cm/s] (type:uint16_t)
    vn                  = 0             , # GPS velocity in north direction in earth-fixed NED frame [cm/s] (type:int16_t)
    ve                  = 0             , # GPS velocity in east direction in earth-fixed NED frame [cm/s] (type:int16_t)
    vd                  = 0             , # GPS velocity in down direction in earth-fixed NED frame [cm/s] (type:int16_t)
    cog                 = 65535         , # Course over ground (NOT heading, but direction of movement), 0.0..359.99 degrees. If unknown, set to: 65535 [cdeg] (type:uint16_t)
    satellites_visible  = 0             , # Number of satellites visible. If unknown, set to 255 (type:uint8_t)
    id                  = 0             , # GPS ID (zero indexed). Used for multiple GPS inputs (type:uint8_t)
    yaw                 = 36000         , # Yaw of vehicle relative to Earth's North, zero means not available, use 36000 for north [cdeg] (type:uint16_t)

but the TCP connection doesn’t receive any HIL_ACTUATOR_CONTROLS message.


  • After the simulator connects to the TCP port, nothing happens, even if needed MAVLink messages are sent from the simulator through this connection.
  • The UDP port is not opened.

Please, how to make it work?..

Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

Hi Jean,
I’m having the same problem. Did you manage to solve this?

Hi Jia,

I opened o similar thread here, were I got help and published some script to start with:

Good luck :slight_smile:

Hi Jean,
Thanks very much for the reply and the very useful page.
Now I got the basic communication runs. The main problem for me is that I didn’t add any noise to the sensor data.
BTW, how far did you get with your own simulator (just out of curiosity)?

Strange for the noise issue. Downloaded the script again and launched it and for me it works:

Waiting to connect...
1 <== COMMAND_LONG {target_system : 0, target_component : 0, command : 511, confirmation : 0, param1 : 115.0, param2 : 5000.0, param3 : 0.0, param4 : 0.0, param5 : 0.0, param6 : 0.0, param7 : 0.0}
2 <== HEARTBEAT {type : 0, autopilot : 12, base_mode : 0, custom_mode : 0, system_status : 0, mavlink_version : 3}
3 --> HEARTBEAT { type : 0 , autopilot : 0 , base_mode : 0 , custom_mode : 0 , system_status : 0 , mavlink_version : 3 }
4 --> HIL_STATE_QUATERNION { time_usec : 1649318095859497 , attitude_quaternion : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] , rollspeed : 0.0 , pitchspeed : 0.0 , yawspeed : 0.0 , lat : 473977422 , lon : 85455939 , alt : 488003 , vx : 0 , vy : 0 , vz : 0 , ind_airspeed : 0 , true_airspeed : 28 , xacc : 0 , yacc : 0 , zacc : 0 }
5 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095859497 , xacc : 0.0869873774433021 , yacc : -0.018836107911570643 , zacc : -9.736397137273249 , xgyro : -0.0011116222528289566 , ygyro : -0.012375404965121658 , zgyro : -0.008219845225238226 , xmag : 0.22019787082162118 , ymag : 0.01429072615776518 , zmag : 0.4204610766437646 , abs_pressure : 955.9799941836161 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 488.00686896581556 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }
6 --> HIL_GPS { time_usec : 1649318095863497 , fix_type : 3 , lat : 473977419 , lon : 85455942 , alt : 488023 , eph : 30 , epv : 40 , vel : 0 , vn : 0 , ve : 0 , vd : 0 , cog : 0 , satellites_visible : 10 , id : 0 , yaw : 0 }
7 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095863497 , xacc : 0.0752508736385988 , yacc : 0.016565314824787358 , zacc : -9.84150226301041 , xgyro : 0.010630751974958321 , ygyro : 0.014001448757552356 , zgyro : 0.005044346631781527 , xmag : 0.20944257943860095 , ymag : 0.009386470910912645 , zmag : 0.4310428877361716 , abs_pressure : 955.9999709503526 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 487.79657919856135 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }
8 --> HIL_STATE_QUATERNION { time_usec : 1649318095867497 , attitude_quaternion : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] , rollspeed : 0.0 , pitchspeed : 0.0 , yawspeed : 0.0 , lat : 473977420 , lon : 85455942 , alt : 488025 , vx : 0 , vy : 0 , vz : 0 , ind_airspeed : 0 , true_airspeed : 30 , xacc : 0 , yacc : 0 , zacc : 0 }
9 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095867497 , xacc : -0.09792464618859963 , yacc : 0.07661836489885276 , zacc : -9.745354685040779 , xgyro : -0.002319270345839266 , ygyro : -0.00216241057202192 , zgyro : -0.010848278853378322 , xmag : 0.20846972973600333 , ymag : 0.0167925816317799 , zmag : 0.43064261491068967 , abs_pressure : 955.9730280679087 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 488.11231697176646 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }
10 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095871497 , xacc : -0.0833811074557665 , yacc : -0.025542583234145422 , zacc : -9.868183840341352 , xgyro : -0.019197703466759863 , ygyro : -0.009403836443466025 , zgyro : -0.015447651202046933 , xmag : 0.2070071156095079 , ymag : 0.014988646777674208 , zmag : 0.42259694970827966 , abs_pressure : 955.9772094477092 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 487.9135687667235 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }
11 --> HIL_STATE_QUATERNION { time_usec : 1649318095875497 , attitude_quaternion : [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] , rollspeed : 0.0 , pitchspeed : 0.0 , yawspeed : 0.0 , lat : 473977421 , lon : 85455940 , alt : 487997 , vx : 0 , vy : 0 , vz : 0 , ind_airspeed : 0 , true_airspeed : 6 , xacc : 0 , yacc : 0 , zacc : 0 }
12 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095875497 , xacc : 0.0956422009959455 , yacc : 0.04505997811838998 , zacc : -9.85112514639019 , xgyro : -0.016386304108879274 , ygyro : -0.01852849170240611 , zgyro : -0.013144381020113128 , xmag : 0.2118406592834444 , ymag : 0.01605693716858827 , zmag : 0.4224176215166938 , abs_pressure : 955.9605251453867 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 488.1613093371457 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }
13 --> HIL_SENSOR { time_usec : 1649318095879497 , xacc : -0.07078192987561797 , yacc : 0.09297171213041788 , zacc : -9.902695513797285 , xgyro : -0.004591493814822436 , ygyro : 0.0013962442963718934 , zgyro : -0.007217065778046181 , xmag : 0.21547586397289487 , ymag : 0.013000935844679904 , zmag : 0.42294048281635055 , abs_pressure : 955.9897149770569 , diff_pressure : 0.0 , pressure_alt : 487.76562067997287 , temperature : 0.0 , fields_updated : 7167 , id : 0 }

Else yes, I could implement the IRIS drone in my simulator, inspired by what I found into PX4-Autopilot/Tools/sitl_gazebo/ (IRIS model in sitl_gazebo/models/iris, useful data on how the propulsion is implemented in sitl_gazebo/src/gazebo_motor_model.cpp and sitl_gazebo/include/common.h).

Just to know: gyroscopic moments are very important and should not be neglected (else the drone just won’t work), so the simulator must handle them.

Hi Jean, sorry I didn’t make it clear. I mean the problem with my code is that there was no noise. So I couldn’t make it work. After reading the links you posted, I fixed it (adding some noise).

BTW, did you try the HITL simulation? To make a HITL simulator is my final goal, but couldn’t make any progress even with the jMAVSim.