Land Mode vs. RTL

Hi all,

New to PX4 and more broadly quadcopters, I have attached two logs here as hopefully somebody will have a better idea of what is going on. On one of the flights, I was having intermittent comms issues in which the vehicle would fluctuate between mission and land mode. How do I set the parameter to tell it what to do once it loses comms for the some threshold of time? Also, it did not appear to actually land or even descend when it was in land mode.

I have also had lots of trouble with RTL, the vehicle is not listening when I tell it to “return”, most often when it drifts due to wind and the set / estimated x / y points have diverged.

How do I configure parameters in RTL to essentially just come straight down in a safe manner, I do not fly in populated areas. Does my PID X/Y controller need some tuning for windy conditions? How would I go about that? Any other recommendations?