I run PX4 with rover and QGC program but rover drive wrong direction during mission mode

I make PX4 Rover complete and run QGC program when rover’s sensor calibrate.
I set up all parameter which I need and checked Rover working without problem during manual mode.
Then I make a simple mission plan with just 1 waypoint and upload to PX4. I change manual mode to mission mode and Rover work to follow my plan, But Rover drive to wrong direction and change direction randomly…
And I check PX4 Magnetometer, GPS Magnetometer but they don’t have problem.
What’s wrong my Rover Help me please.

Please check the PWM parameters.

RC1_REV ~ RC18_REV or

If the RC_REV parameter was set, it may appear to operate normally during manual control. However, in mission mode, it may move in the opposite direction as the RC_REV parameter does not affect it.
Change the RC_REV parameter and change the PWM_MAIN_REV(or PWM_AUX_REV) parameter, which is responsible for the final PWM output of the Pixhawk.