We are a drone company based in Mainland China, and we recently launched a small quadcopter drone based on PX4. We would like to list our product in the “Commercial Systems” section on the PX4 official website to help more people learn about it. Could anyone advise us on how to proceed?
Listing your drone on the PX4 website’s Commercial Systems page can boost its visibility. Contact the PX4 team or Dronecode Foundation with details, and engage in forums for guidance on listing criteria.
Our full name is Chengdu Bobei Technology Co., Ltd. and we are known as AMOVLAB in mainland China. We provide UAV development platforms and solutions to thousands of graduate students at top universities, as well as a wide range of research institutes and companies. We also offer courses for drone enthusiasts and developers, and have over 100,000 developer fans in our community and social media platforms.
We developed su17 drone based on px4 version 1.13.1, and the flight control code is now open source. We use an on-board computer to sense and process LIDAR data and vision data to provide position information to the px4 flight control for indoor navigation and localization.