Recently I updated the firmware on the Pixhawk 4 Mini of my several Holybro QAV250 from v1.10.1 to v1.13. After this, the accels were clipping in flight. This did not occur anymore after downgrading back to v1.10.1. Also, this does not occur on an individual UAS but on several UAS with the exact same setup.
This topic is related with similar problems on Cube Orange+: High vibration in Cube Orange+ - #43 by sibujacob
Yesterday we did some testing to collect data for troubleshooting. For this, we used the same UAS (Holybro QAV250) with the setup being unchanged except the PX4 firmware. We tested with the firmware versions v1.10.1, v1.12.3, v1.13.3 and v1.14.0-beta2. Apart from observable changes in flight behavior and handling, differences between the firmware versions in terms of vibrations shift can be seen in the acceleration power spectral density plots provided below. Also, the power consumption changes noticeably (which is probably due to the changed flight behavior).
- average power consumption: ~12.5 A
- flight behavior: calm and smooth
- acceleration power spectral density:
- average power consumption: ~13 A
- flight behavior: almost uncontrollable, test aborted
- acceleration power spectral density:
- average power consumption: ~16 A
- flight behavior: visible oscillations
- acceleration power spectral density:
- average power consumption: ~16 A
- flight behavior: calm
- acceleration power spectral density:
Any idea why this vibrations and power consumption gets worse with the update?