Jun 16, 2020
Call Moderators
Agenda Items
- 96Boards Partnership
- FMUv6X
Dail In
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Meeting ID: 567 710 856
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aetSYKbiMF
Meeting Minutes
- Daniel Agar
- Alex Klimaj
- Andrew Smith
- Dugan Yoon
- Lorenz Meier
- Raul Ramos
- Ray Stits
- Vincent Poon
- Michael Schaeuble
- Jinger Zeng
- Luijun
96Boards Announcement
96Boards joined Dronecode as a Gold member
Dronecode joined the 96Boards Steering Committee
- 96Boards interested in our industry standards, and will seek to develop a mezzanine board that can integrate to Pixhawk
Next steps: Make a general call for comments
- Update outdated diagrams
- Create PDF
- Post on forums, ask for feedback, looking for design flaws, any immediate safety & security concerns
Looking into dev kits for standard
Moving to next steps into the standard to define electrical and mechanical interfaces.
- Looking into presenting the standard on the PX4 Developer Summit
Errata and Feedback
Let me know below if I failed to capture anything the right way, and if there are any updates, or you have feedback on the call format.