Hello everyone,
I’m a engineering student working on a project to exploit dynamic soaring. As of now I want to generate a trajectory import it to QGC as waypoint and then use mission mode. I saw there is a way to create gliding setpoints in offboard mode.
For the project I don’t have a companion computer so I was thinking about creating my own gliding mode by modifying the mission mode and harcoding the fact that all setpoints are gliding setpoints (somewhere in navigator). However I still don’t understand fully the position controller (and how it deals with gliding setpoints). I saw in this Loiter in an inclined circular trajectory that the position controller should be modified if i want to be able to gain speed while gliding but I’m not sure it is still the case since gliding setpoints where added 2 years later. I’m a total beginner using PX4 so I would like to know if I’m heading the right way or I should start thinking about creating my own position controller

Feel free to add any advice for a beginner if you think of one.