Getting the right combination of commands and data requests

I’m working to take what is on my simulation setup and make it work on a plane in real life!
The trouble is, I have tried both Ros 2 and Mavsdk, but neither seems to have the full state and sets of commands I need.

The full state I need is:

  • position NED (xyz)
  • Airspeed (Va)
  • Body-Frame Velocity (pqr)
  • Angular Velocity (roll rate, pitch rate, yaw rate)
  • roll, pitch, yaw
  • alpha and beta (angle of attack and sliprate)

And then I need to be able to directly control the actuators and motors.
I’d like to be able to do this at a rate of 200+ Hz.

After a different discussion on the forum, I learned that, while MAVSDK can provide access to the uORB topics I need from PX4, it can’t provide actuator or motor control.* On the flip side, ROS 2 setup on PX4 allows for it to subscribe to motor and actuator topics, but lacks some of the essential topics that I need, such as airspeed (for front-ahead airspeed Va), airspeedWind (for beta), and angularVelocity (for angular velocity).

How should I go about this?
I am currently using a Pixhawk 6X. I also have a 6C mini with me.

*. Version 1.13 of PX4 had support for this, as mentioned in the above link, but, unfortunately, a few rounds of testing revealed that the QGroundControl will not assign motors or actuators values if you try to use PX4 Pro v 1.13. Also, some quick tests with the data items for MAVSDK showed that data was collected at a rate of about 15 Hz, which is much too slow for me. I’m trying to work on data at a rate of at least 200 Hz.